Delinon's Cheese-Race

Title Logo cheese

Delinon’s Cheese-Race is an arcade chaos-racing game where runners tumble and roll downhill after a racing cheese wheel.
The player will need to navigate and jump over obstacles and other runners in order to be the winner.

– Picking one of 4 characters (Shadow, Reish, Cricket or Servaas)
– Racing against the remaining characters and other NPCs (farmers, town’s guards and a moustached villain)
– The ability to steer and jump
– Basic obstacles: dirt mounds, dirt ruts carved by fallen runners
– The ability to fall
– Stopping the runner if they’re running out of bounds

– Jumping over a fallen runner’s dirt ruts give a short boost
– When a player falls, give a split seconds mid-air to decide which direction the tumble will go
– If tumbling into an obstacle – fully stop
– Visual commentary from a pun-loving Bree-Ann and a an avid eye-roller town’s guard

– Splitscreen multiplayer
– Character specific abilities 🤤
– Multiple maps

An amateur game dev with background in web dev and frontend development, as well as well based knowledge and skills in music & graphic design.

Play proxy – Running & Turning

Go left! no! go right!

While learning to move the player around, I relyed heavily on the godot docs. Mainly, two articles:

  1. “2D Movement Overview”
  2. “Vector Math”


To have the player run, I set it’s velocity toward the bottom of the hill and call “move_and_slide”.

I initally had a mixup in the axis, moving the player along the X axis, thus needing to rotate the player in 90 degrees – for no reason save for the fact that I did it and ran with it (pun intended).

Note to self: If the player is running down, the axis to run on is the Y axis.

I then separated the speed used for the velocity to a variable and named it “CURRENT_SPEED”.
This will allow me to mess with the current speed down the line.


To turn, I’ll need to set the proxy’s rotation with and updated value before calling “move_and_slide”.

The new value is based on 4 different variables:

  1. delta (time since last frame rendered) – A value received as part of Godot’s physics engine.
  2. rotation – The current rotation of the proxy.
  3. ROTATION_DIRECTION (variable) – Can be on of: -1, 0, 1. defining wither a turn towards a direction or no turn at all.
    This value was initially tested using player input, but the not to long future, It can be set by either the player, or an enemy manager and more.
  4. ROTATION_SPEED (variable) – A developer defined variable to control the turn speed.

First, I’ll need to calculate the “rotation_diff”, the amount to add to the current rotation.
Once I have the rotation difference, I can add it to the current rotation and set it to the proxy’s rotation.

Ok, looking good!
Finally, I can clamp the result to make sure The player can’t turn over set values:

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