Delinon's Cheese-Race

Title Logo cheese

Delinon’s Cheese-Race is an arcade chaos-racing game where runners tumble and roll downhill after a racing cheese wheel.
The player will need to navigate and jump over obstacles and other runners in order to be the winner.

– Picking one of 4 characters (Shadow, Reish, Cricket or Servaas)
– Racing against the remaining characters and other NPCs (farmers, town’s guards and a moustached villain)
– The ability to steer and jump
– Basic obstacles: dirt mounds, dirt ruts carved by fallen runners
– The ability to fall
– Stopping the runner if they’re running out of bounds

– Jumping over a fallen runner’s dirt ruts give a short boost
– When a player falls, give a split seconds mid-air to decide which direction the tumble will go
– If tumbling into an obstacle – fully stop
– Visual commentary from a pun-loving Bree-Ann and a an avid eye-roller town’s guard

– Splitscreen multiplayer
– Character specific abilities 🤤
– Multiple maps

An amateur game dev with background in web dev and frontend development, as well as well based knowledge and skills in music & graphic design.

Map proxy



I want the player to have enough horizontal space to traverse mid run. Because the game’s default width is 1,280px, I went for a bit over 4 times as much – 5,760px.


I want a map to feel a lot longer than wide. Also, I needed some vertical space for a start line and for a finish line (and “parking” space after it). So I chose about 3 or 4 times as the width – 18,000px


I needed a very basic background for the basic, so I picked a plain green with a simple texture on top.


  • Start line
  • Finish line
  • Side borders
  • Random horizontal lines to help when working on the player proxy’s movement
  • Numbers spaced about 100px each, also to help when developin the player proxy’s movemnt
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